UTBM ia French Universities of Technology based in Belfort
UTBM is one of the 3 French Universities of Technology, located in the industrial Belfort- Montbéliard area. It forms about 650 engineers and 35 PhD per year.
The Research Institute for Transportation, Energy and Society - IRTES, born January 1, 2012, is a research unit of the University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard, Home Team (EA 7274) in the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MoR). Established in accordance with the 2012-2016 business plan, its primary improve the coherence of research UTBM and develop long-term purpose. The IRTES research institute regroups the 4 former UTBM research laboratories: IRTES-LERMPS, IRTES-M3M, IRTESRECITS and IRTES-SET. It staffs 300 employees and PhD students. Through its multidisciplinary approach, the IRTES is able to address a concerted manner, technological and societal issues related to the challenges of tomorrow's world in the field of energy and transport.
Articulated around the competencies of its laboratories, particularly in the disciplines of materials, mechanical, computer, automatic and humanities to promote multidisciplinary research, IRTES aims to meet modern challenges of our society.
In this institute, the IRTES-LERMPS laboratory, grounded in 1987, staffs 70 co-workers and is dedicated to research and development activities in surface science and engineering. It operates two technological platforms dedicated to Powder elaboration, Plasma Spray Processes and Adding Manufacturing and to PVD processes. It’s used to work with industrial partners in the frame of industrial contracts, regional/national/international projects. Within the project EMLACS, the IRTES-LERMPS brings its expertise and experience in the field of study and the implementation of planned deposits, specifically in the field of surface preparation before deployment, and changes of adhesion associated therewith. Indeed, a strong experience in the field of thermal spraying and cold spraying, it has developed a recognized both for the development and control of precursor materials for the production and characterization of coatings business. Mindful of technological developments to best meet the needs of the industrial world, its primary purpose is to control and process development implementation. To do this, say related or hybrid techniques tend to develop when it comes to combine different technologies to overcome limitations due to specific processes. It is precisely in this context also that the laboratory has distinguished itself there are more than 10 years in the field of surface preparation by laser associated with thermal spray technologies. Thus by a combination of laser power and a spraying torch, it has been demonstrated the beneficial effect of the photon radiation from both a standpoint of adhesion coatings (PROTAL ® method, texturing) but as structural (processes MELTPRO ® and Heat- Cool ®). The development of these new technologies provides a glimpse of new applications while ensuring minimal environmental impact surface treatments.
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